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Knuckls RP

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Knuckls Satisfactory

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Knuckls FS22

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Game Coding and Modding Enthusiast

Hello there! I’m Shaun, an avid game coding and modding enthusiast with a passion for unlocking the creative potential of virtual worlds. FromĀ  a young age, I’ve been captivated by the magic of video games, not just as a player, but as a creator.

Journey into Game Coding:

My journey into game coding began with a curiosity about how games work behind the scenes. I delved into programming languages like C++, Python, and Java, eager to understand the intricate systems that bring digital worlds to life. As I honed my coding skills, I started experimenting with game development engines such as Unity and Unreal Engine, eager to turn my ideas into interactive experiences.

Venturing into Modding:

Alongside my exploration of game development, I discovered the vibrant world of game modding. Modding offered me a gateway to personalize and extend the games I loved, breathing new life into familiar experiences. Whether it was tweaking gameplay mechanics, creating custom assets, or designing entirely new levels, modding empowered me to express my creativity in boundless ways.